Royal Heijmans (hereafter ‘Heijmans’) today completed the acquisition of Van Wanrooij. Once the Dutch Consumer and Market Authority (ACM) had granted its approval of the proposed transaction on 3 August 2023 pursuant to a Competition Decree, all other conditions were also formally finalised and the shares were transferred.
As a result of this transaction, Heijmans strengthens its market position in construction and property development in the Netherlands. Following the acquisition, Heijmans’ annual revenue will increase by approximately € 0.4 billion (over 20%) and its property development work in hand will double from approximately 15,000 to 29,000 new-build homes. Van Wanrooij’s 220 employees (fte) are strengthening the Heijmans organization from today.
For the time being, Heijmans and Van Wanrooij will continue to operate independently in the market. In parallel, the focus is on understanding and learning from each other's business models and success factors. Once this phase is completed, the next steps in the integration process and cooperation will be determined.
Financial calendar 2024
As Heijmans announced at the presentation of its interim results, the closing of this transaction will result in a slight change to the financial calendar for 2024. Van Wanrooij’s figures must of course be appropriately incorporated in Heijmans’ reporting requirements. Heijmans can now start that careful process after the closing of the transaction.
The presentation of the annual results for 2023 will therefore be postponed by a few weeks to Friday 1 March 2024. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 30 April 2024.