Company profile
Heijmans is a listed company that combines activities related to property development, construction & technical services and infrastructure in the fields of Living, Working and Connecting. Our constant focus on quality improvements, innovation and integrated solutions enables us to generate added value for our clients. Heijmans realises projects for home buyers, companies and government entities and together we are building on the spatial contours of tomorrow.
The Heijmans story started with a builder. A road builder, to be precise. In 1923, at the age of twenty, Jan Heijmans started up a company which continued to grow over the years into something amazing. A Brabant-based family firm that developed from paving to building roads, to building homes, shops and company premises and to developing residential areas, shopping centres and business parks. Continually expanding and extending the boundaries. In all that time, creating and building continued to be part of our DNA.
Builders with a yellow heart
Even today, we are still creators in our approach to projects. We imagine, advise, develop and design, always aimed at creating something. With heart and soul and common sense, we shape the spatial environment. We add things which may survive for a hundred years. A big responsibility yet an exciting challenge to be able to make our contribution. With the status and reputation of a listed company with over 4,500 people and a network of dedicated partners and suppliers.
A company with healthy ambition. We want to contribute to creating a healthy living environment. Everyone wants to breathe clean air, live in nice surroundings, enjoy nature, have a good workplace, travel safely from A to B and return home in good health at the end of the day. Health is part of a wider movement in society in recent years. Because alongside a healthier diet, more exercise and a more mindful lifestyle, we need a healthy home, workplace and travel. We want to shape that healthy living environment. By developing, constructing and connecting. By creating.
The end user is key
In doing so, we take a challenging view. We focus on the end user and learn more about the wishes and welfare of residents, consumers and road users. Not just in the development and construction phases, but especially in the management phase. If we manage to stay involved in our projects for longer, and we can play a significant role in maintenance and management after completion, we can find out more about the behaviour of the end users. We can learn from that and respond through innovation. Develop and implement new services, which improve them and us.
To do that successfully, we want to see everything in correlation, just as we view the challenges in the living environment. And create integral connections across business units. If we all think about what we can do for and expect from each other, valuable ideas emerge. Then we will be making major progress. Heat from asphalt and energy from noise barriers to heat homes.
Sensors in offices to light, heat and clean rooms, according to use and need. So that every building becomes smart and comfortable. Design and build houses so sustainably that the end user unwittingly becomes part of the energy transition. This creates healthy dynamics which keep pace with people's lives. This then means that we - also within our own walls - are running a truly healthy business.
Better, smarter, sustainable
Our recipe is as effective as it is ambitious. We make things better, smarter and sustainable, just what you expect from a creator. The basis is improvement. This also addresses issues like safety, project control and consistently working from our core values: together, result-oriented and based on ownership. Improvement is about organization, about being an attractive employer which enables us to recruit and retain the right people. Above all, however, it's about focusing on what we do well and having the discipline to want to do those things perfectly. And being willing to say no to other things.

By making things smarter, we want to offer solutions which help make and keep the environment healthier. Because a healthy living environment is increasingly a smart living environment. By creating a digital twin from all our projects and installing sensors everywhere, we connect the physical and digital worlds. The information we obtain is used to provide our clients and end users with an even better service with respect to comfort and convenience, safety and efficient use.
By improving sustainability, we ensure that we have a healthy living environment in the long term too. As creators, we can thus make a difference by designing and building sustainably. With attention for alternative energy sourcing, efficient use of energy, space and material, whilst providing optimal comfort and experience. Our challenge is to focus on the wishes of today, without losing sight of the long-term effects of those solutions.
We focus on the end user and learn more about the wishes and welfare of residents, consumers and road users.
Focus on the future
Better, smarter, sustainable. Our journey started with us building a road in Rosmalen. Almost a hundred years later, we are now actively engaged in the big issues of our time. Helping to create a healthy living environment is about taking an integrated approach to complex new challenges. About ensuring plenty of clean air, green and blue. About protecting the Netherlands from flooding, heat and drought. About a safe environment, in both a physical and a social sense.
Because creating a healthy environment is about so much more than buildings, roads, green and water. It's also about how we live together. Both in the city and outside, it's about cohesion, knowing and recognising each other and helping each other. So that no one is forgotten, so that everyone knows that they belong. A living environment in which people look after and care for each other. With everything that we've created and will create, we make the difference.
We are the creators of a healthy living environment. We build the spatial contours of tomorrow, we draw the future. An environment in which people make something of their lives. That's an incredible challenge. With our new strategy, we accept this challenge and focus on an ambitious dot on the horizon. If Jan Heijmans could have imagined what his company would be doing a hundred years later, he'd probably have thought: amazing!