The General Meeting of Shareholders of Heijmans N.V. held on 14 April 2021, adopted the proposal of the Executive Board of Heijmans N.V. to issue a dividend in cash or in the form of shares or depositary receipts for shares. The cash dividend was set at € 0.73 per ordinary share or depositary receipt for share. The Executive Board was authorised to set the conversion ratio for the stock dividend.
The Executive Board announces that the number of dividend entitlements giving entitlement to one new ordinary share or depositary receipt for share in Heijmans N.V. (with a nominal value of € 0.30) has been set at 19. This conversion ratio is based on the average weighted share price of the Heijmans N.V. share on the 4, 5 and 6 May 2021 stock trading days, being € 13,9052. Any residual fraction will be settled in cash.
Approximately 52% of the number of shares or depositary receipts for shares in issue was reported for the payment of a stock dividend. 604,018 new shares or depositary receipts for shares will be issued, so that the total number of shares or depositary receipts for shares in issue will amount to 22,537,495 (21,933,477 + 604,018), being approximately + 2,75%. Payment in the form of shares or depositary receipts for shares qualifies as an exemption under Article 1 section 4 sub h and Article 1 section 5 sub g of the Prospectus Regulation.
The payment of the cash dividend and the delivery of ordinary shares and depositary receipts for shares resulting from the conversion of dividend entitlements will be effected on 14 May 2021.
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