The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of Heijmans N.V. took place on Wednesday, 14 April 2021. The key resolutions were as follows:
2020 Result Appropriation
The Executive Board has proposed that the shareholders and depositary receipt holders approve the payment of a dividend in the amount of € 0.73 per ordinary share and per depositary receipt for shares in cash, or, at the option of the shareholders and depositary receipt holders, in the form of ordinary shares or depositary receipts for shares. The proposal has been approved. Payment of cash dividend and or delivery of shares and depositary receipts for shares will take place on 14 May 2021.
Composition of the Supervisory Board
Mr A.E. Traas has been appointed as member of the Supervisory Board for a period of four years effective from today and ending after the conclusion of the AGM to be held in 2025.
Power of the Executive Board to issue shares
Extension of the nomination of the Executive Board as the competent body to issue ordinary shares for a period of 18 months from the date of the AGM was approved. This power is limited to 10% of the issued share capital currently outstanding, as well as 10% thereof if the issue takes place as part of a merger or acquisition and/or as part of entering into a strategic alliance.
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