Heijmans this week signed a contract with the Ministry of Public Works and Waterways (Rijkswaterstaat) for the maintenance of traffic systems and lighting in the Central and Southern Rijkswaterstaat-regions of the Netherlands.
The Public Lighting and Dynamic Traffic Systems (RODS) framework agreement is for 2 years, with an option for 2 additional 1-year extensions. The contract is worth about € 32 million for Heijmans.
The contract covers activities such as the improvement and renewal (both design and realisation) of the dynamic traffic systems, public lighting and underlying infrastructure. Where necessary, existing infrastructure will be removed. Heijmans may be granted additional contacts as part of this framework agreement until mid-June 2023 or 2024/2025, unless the maximum revenue of the framework agreement (€ 20 million per year) is realised earlier. Heijmans has been granted Parcel-C, which covers the Central and Southern regions of the Ministry of Public Works and Waterways.
Integral approach
The above mentioned activities requires a controlled process and an integral approach in which all aspects are included in order to come to phased assignments. It is precisely in this integral approach that Heijmans’ strength lies. Heijmans has all the necessary disciplines and competencies for the development and realization of the ‘systems on the road to the traffic control centre' and from ‘civil to technical installations’. In addition, Heijmans implements the government-wide objectives for 2030 in the field of sustainability with its approach.
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