Over the next five years, Heijmans is set to build around 400 to 500 rental houses in the Eindhoven region. This contract is part of the extraordinary standardised social rental homes (Gestandaardiseerde Sociale Huurwoningen – GSE) pilot project, in which a total of 13 housing corporations and nine municipalities in the Eindhoven Metropolitan Area (Stedelijk Gebied Eindhoven– SGE) have joined forces to tackle shortages in the housing market.
The aim of the pilot is to make more affordable, sustainable and social rental housing available to tenants to reduce current shortages in the housing market, with lower construction costs and using an accelerated construction process. The Heijmans Huismerk concept homes will help make this possible thanks to the use of smart standardisation, which helps reduce construction costs and accelerate the construction process. The choice of the concept homes will enable the efficient annual realisation of a large number of homes in the Brainport region.
If desired, Heijmans can build the homes in line with the ‘zero on the meter’ concept. This reduces the net energy consumption to zero by making smart use of energy-saving and energy-generating facilities.
Affordable rental homes
Bas Sievers, director of the Woonpartners housing corporation: “This special cooperation sets us up for the future of residential building. Together we can keep social rental housing affordable and we have the opportunity to expand our housing stock.” Piet Machielsen, alderman in the Oirschot municipality and the sponsor of the project on behalf of the municipalities, is also pleased with the cooperation. “By joining forces, housing corporations and municipalities are working efficiently towards their common interest: providing tenants in our region with a pleasant, affordable place to live.”
13 corporations and 9 municipalities
The Eindhoven Metropolitan Area (Stedelijk Gebied Eindhoven - SGE) comprises the municipalities of Best, Eindhoven, Geldrop-Mierlo, Helmond, Nuenen, Oirschot, Son en Breugel, Veldhoven and Waalre.
The housing corporations participating in the pilot project are Woonbedrijf, Woonpartners, Wocom, Trudo, Volksbelang, Compaen, Bergopwaarts, Woningbelang, Zaligheden, Goed Wonen, Thuis, Helpt Elkander and Wooninc.
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