Heijmans and housing corporation Staedion today at the Provada real estate trade fair signed a turnkey contract for the construction of 220 new-build rental homes for the ‘Steenzicht’ sub-project, which is part of the ‘Dreven, Gaarden en Zichten’ area development in The Hague. The agreement has a contract value of around € 67 million.
The municipality of The Hague, Staedion and Heijmans are looking to transform the Dreven, Gaarden and Zichten neighbourhoods in The Hague South-West, turning an outdated and vulnerable area into an attractive, vital, resilient and sustainable residential area, making it an attractive and affordable place to live and work for a range of target groups.
Esther Fleers, Director at Heijmans Property Development: “The start of the first subplan in the Dreven, Gaarden and Zichten neighbourhoods is a significant milestone. It will make the renewal that has started really visible to local residents, and that is important. The fact that we can now start, even in these difficult times, is thanks to the excellent cooperation between all the parties involved.”
Gijsbert van Herk, Staedion board chairman: “The construction of Steenzicht marks a first step in the creation of renewed neighbourhoods with a balanced mix of varied housing in Zichten. Among other things, this will be good for housing mobility, because people living in this neighbourhood and other neighbourhoods will also be able move to a different type of home. The various types of homes will create an attractive neighbourhood where it is pleasant to live and work. The differentiation in terms of target groups and homes will also contribute to the liveability and vitality of the neighbourhood. And to the area development of the national The Hague South-West programme.”
This is the first purchase agreement between Heijmans and Staedion in the Dreven, Gaarden en Zichten area development. This area development has a total term of 20 years. Under the development plan, Heijmans will build 3,500 new homes and rebuild or renovate another 2,058 existing homes. The plan will focus, among other things, on affordable housing for various target groups in an attractive and sustainable residential area.
The 220 rental homes covered by the ‘Steenzicht’ purchase agreement signed today include 117 social rental homes and 103 mid-rental segment homes. Steenzicht will be the first new-build project to start, making a positive contribution to the renewal of Dreven, Gaarden en Zichten in The Hague.
The piling work for the homes to be built will start after the summer holidays and the homes are scheduled for delivery in 2025. The development of the next five subplans in Dreven, Gaarden and Zichten is already in full swing.
About Staedion
With our social heart, we contribute to the happiness and health of our tenants by providing safe and affordable homes. Because housing is about people. We rent 44,000 homes, shops, business premises and parking spaces in the Haaglanden region. Together with our tenants and partners, we work to create a pleasant living environment. We continue to work hard on the renovation of our homes to make them more sustainable, and we are committed to building no fewer than 7,500 new homes. Together at home, for now and later.
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